Current and finished Projects I.INTI
Test Site for Small Wind Turbines in Cutral-Co - First 2 PWRC2 stations
/ 1 METEO module and associated instrumentation for power-curve testing
(June 2012) Two more PWRC2 units installed and periodic software and
firmware updates performed (2014-2021). Conversion to measurement of
grid connected SWTs since 2018. I.a)
Added Bootloader for swifter firmware updates of PWRC2 units(2021) I.b) One of the PWRC2 Units for 48V/50A SWT testing, with Modbus/LAN monitoring: I.c) View of INTI's Test Site Opening Day / June 26, 2012, 4 SWTs installed I.d) Meteo and Secondwind Nomad 2 Reference station
I.e) First data sequences stored in SD cards, from SWT & Meteo units
II.2010-2011 Control and instrumentation for 5 Wind / PV systems driving dosification pumps- (Petrobras 2) - developed for DM Energías Renovables - 4 already installed in Boleadoras/Laguna del Oro - S.Cruz. SCADA monitoring and internal data logging on SD cards. II.a) Laguna del Oro 14 (October 2010):
LdelO14 System installed 10/2010 and recent views.
Main LdelO14 Display usin CL2bm1 board, and dosification pump view. II.b) Campo Indio 32 (November 2010 - February 2011):
Views of CI32 system (11/2010 - 02/2011), and CL2bm1 main display beside solar/PV controller + inverter
II.c) Campo Indio 21 (February 2011):
Installed CI21 subsystems (02/2011), PLC-Modbus controller and Cl2bm1 main display
II.d) Campo Indio 36 (February 2011)
View of latest CI36 system (02/2011), controllers and CL2bm1 main display
III. 2007-2008 Control and instrumentation for 5 Wind / Diesel systems driving dosification pumps (Petrobras 1) - for DM Energías Renovables - Sites at Puesto Peter 37 y 38 - SCADA monitoring and internal data logging on EEPROM (DLCy boards).
Systems installed 06/2008 at P Peter 38, and maintenance visit at PP37 Periodic data retrieval on PP37/P38 systems, including Battery voltage, Windpower current, diesel status
Automatic braking / data acquisition / SCADA with Modbus, and diesel chargers at PP37/38 IV. 2004-2010 Project ANR-SC02/2003 -FONTAR: Low-cost, open architecture data logging system for energy and environment monitoring applications" Included development of 2 data acquisition boards, final report aproved March 2010. Final Report (08-2009)-Adobe PDF v5 or later (2.6MB) Presentation -Adobe PDF v5 or later-spanish (2.2MB) ANR/SC02 Project evolution -2004 to 2009 CL2bm1/AVR
board - Hardware develoment finished 03/2010 V. 2004-2007 Energy monitoring and Small Wind Turbine power curve verification systems - Pilot PERMER programme (Chubut) at Quichaura and Costa de Ñorquinco, with WorldBank/GEF funding. For Aerowind S.A. at Puerto Madryn
Calibration and delivery of EM/12 units in Puerto Madryn / Aerowind (2007)
EM/12s ready for shipment and testing of PWRC/12 at Costa de Ñorquinco with CREE personnel (2007) PWRC+DL2/12 equipment installation at Pocitos de Quichaura / Pbro. García (12/06) Quichaura - Measurement tower wind (NRG) sensors installation Quichaura - firmware update with CREE/Aerowind personnel and Cañiolef family Documents from PERMER Project/L&R Ing.:
VI. 2005-2009 Electronic Brake and event registration system for EOLUX 1kW wind turbines co-developed with Dante Melano Comunicaciones (Freno/1). Initial testing 08/2006 at Ea. Los Pozos, Santa Cruz
Verifying prototype and operating wind-turbine in high winds at Los Pozos (2006) Preliminary Freno/1 brochure - spanish (2007) PDF (93K) VII. 2003-2006 Wind energy consultancy for ENAP/Chile (Chile's National Oil company). Isolated grid wind-turbine connection studies for Cerro Sombrero / Cullen (2003-4) and PCP pumps applied to wind power (2005-6)
Initial meetings 2003 + Cullen / Cerro Sombrero visits PCP pump - head assembly VFD connected to PCP in Tierra del Fuego, Pozo Fresia, with Dr. Peña / Dr. Cardenas of UMAG (06/2005) Preliminary report - Distributed control for Wind Power in Cerro Sombrero (2004-sp) PDF (1.1MB) VIII. 1997-2002 Power DC/DC converters for Cathodic Protection and Energy supply with Bergey BWC 1500 turbines for Perez Companc / INGEZA y SETRA SRL L&R Ing. converters 0.5kW in operation - Sur Rio Chico / PECom- 1998 BWC generator replacement by SETRA / L&R Ing. in 2001
DC/DC Converter development (1997) and BWC1500/ChAk installation (2001) Report w/SETRA_BWC1500 - 2001 spanish(407K PDF)
LyR Ingeniería
- Teófilo de Loqui 58 - 9400 Río Gallegos - Argentina -
TE/FAX +54 (0) 2966 430923 |