New Website for L&R Ingeniería

Embedded Systems:

CIAA Open Hardware Initiative (Computadora Industrial Abierta Argentina) - English version .
Micrium / Jean Labrosse's Site, now Weston Embedded. Creator of uC/OSii, excellent multitasking Kernel for Embedded Systems. Author of great books.
Circuit Cellar Ink Magazine Home Page (founded by Steve Ciarcia).Interesting magazine for practical electronics engineering.
EMBEDDED SYSTEMS PROGRAMMING Magazine. Great resource for embedded system programmers and engineers.
MicroChip (since 2016, also owner of Atmel / AVR)  - Application notes and useful information for designers and hobbyists.
Infineon - (Owner of Cypress) - PSoC-1 controllers.

Power Electronics and Data Acquisition:

Infineon  (Owner of  IR)  Application notes on DC/DC converters and other power semiconductor info.
TI - Texas Instruments - Analog,   power systems and microcontrollers.

Wind Energy Converters - Low Power:

Giacobone Site: Eolux Wind Turbines in Córdoba, Argentina. Also in English
Wind Empowerment - Small Wind power
Bergey WindPower Site. Manufacturer of legendary reliability turbines in the US.


Experts, Universities, Institutes:

Alternative Energy Group page at the Instituto de Tecnología Aplicada site (ITA) Universidad Nacional de la Patagonia Austral - UARG
Universidad Nacional de la Patagonia Austral Site. Alternative Energy Group (Area Energías Alternativas) contains lots of information on renewable energy.
UL - DEWI (Deutsches Windenergie Institut) formerly German Wind Energy Institute, acquired by UL
NREL (National Renewable Energy Laboratories- USA). One of the international references on Wind Energy.
Paul Gipe's site - Wind Energy Expert, author of excellent books about home, and isolated wind power applications.




L&R Ingeniería - Teófilo de Loqui 58 - 9400 Río Gallegos - Argentina - Ph+54 (0) 2966 430923
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